My Gums Are Swollen After Porcelain Veneers
Posted by Annmarie SanSevero
I had six porcelain veneers placed in Columbia. I know people say not to go out of the country for dental work, but it was one-third of the price. Plus, I took some precautions and went to a NY dentist that had relocated there. My smile is a bit wide so there are two teeth on either side of the veneers that are obviously different as well as darker than the veneered teeth. I would like to get veneers placed on those as well, but can’t get any more time off to travel. Do you know of an affordable dentist stateside that could do those veneers?
Dear Paul,
I know you were trying to save money, but this is going to end up costing you more. Your Columbia dentist saying he is a NY Dentist I would take with a grain of salt. I did some research on the cosmetic dentists in Columbia. Only a few of them claim any connection to New York. The one claiming to be a New York dentist, has a flimsy connection to NYU and not really related to dental training. He likely claims this connection as a way to legitimize himself to others.
There are two things that tell me your Columbian dentist was an unskilled cosmetic dentist. First, is the fact that he left your adjacent teeth untreated. When you have a wide smile, but are not getting enough porcelain veneers to cover all of the teeth exposed, then the standard procedure is to recommend teeth whitening before you get the porcelain veneers. This way, at least the adjacent teeth can blend in with the veneers.
A second problem is the inflammation to your gums. The redness and swelling of your gums is gum disease caused by poorly placed porcelain veneers. When veneers are placed they need to fit smoothly with a natural contour that protects your gums. When they do not, things get trapped in there leading to gum disease. If you do not get these veneers replaced and deal with the gum disease, then you risk losing your teeth.
When dentists are trying to gain accreditation with the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), they have to present to an examining board a large number of cosmetic cases they have done. If any of them have inflamed gums, that dentist will fail his accreditation.
Now you are trying to find an affordable dentist. By that, you likely mean cheap. Going that route, you are not going to get any better results. My suggestion is that you get an expert cosmetic dentist to replace all of your veneers. You can whiten your teeth first and get six veneers or skip the whitening and get eight. As you are trying to save money, I’d go the whitening route. Just make sure you get a dentist who can give you both a healthy and beautiful result. I’d suggest going with an AACD accredited dentist even if it costs you more initially. These are considered the best cosmetic dentists in the world.
Your affordable dentist is causing you to have to start over, plus now you have gum disease to treat.
This blog is brought to you by Franklin, TN Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Christopher Weber.