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Can I Get Dental Implants If I Have Metal Allergies?

I am losing a tooth and would really like to replace it with a dental implant. However, I am concerned about my metal allergies. I have severe allergies to nickel, cobalt, and mercury. Is it even possible for me to get a dental implant? My wife says they are made of metal. If that is […]


Which is Cheaper DURAthin or Lumineers?

I am planning on getting a smile makeover. Two brands I’ve been looking at are DURAthin and Lumineers. In the images I have seen, DURAthin looked more attractive. Can you tell me which brand is cheaper? Or, are they close together in price? This is a big decision and I’m wanting to make the right […]


What is the Best Type of Veneers?

I have had porcelain veneers for the last decade and haven’t loved them. I’m looking to replace them to get some that are beautiful, but this time wanted to go into it with better information. I’ve been to three cosmetic dentists but they are each suggesting a different material for veneers or crowns: emax, feldspathic, […]


My Gums Are Swollen After Porcelain Veneers

I had six porcelain veneers placed in Columbia. I know people say not to go out of the country for dental work, but it was one-third of the price. Plus, I took some precautions and went to a NY dentist that had relocated there. My smile is a bit wide so there are two teeth […]


I Am Very Unhappy with My Daughter’s Lumineers

My daughter has always had teeth she was embarrassed about. I decided to invest a huge amount of money to get her a smile makeover. My dentist said he was a cosmetic dentist, but after the disaster I am about to tell you about, I learned that he is just a general dentist. They gave […]


Is It Possible to Get a Pretty Smile With Dental Implants?

I have been in dentures for years. They look quite fake. I’ve had them for about 15 years and they’re starting to slip. I’ve been saving up for quite some time hoping to get dental implants so I can have a pretty smile. I’ve finally saved enough and my dentist said it is too late […]

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